Monday, April 8, 2019


Historical Fiction Book Club - Project Breakdown
Your project will be recorded via a blog on Blogger. Each student will be responsible for his or her own page as well as contributing to the entire blog for the book in the appropriate period.

Some sections of your blog will be written in class after your group meets to discuss the text; others will be written on your own time (you may come in before school or during study hall if necessary). All students MUST HAVE an equal voice in this project. Do not do it all by yourself. Do not allow others to do your work for you.

This will serve as several daily grades as well as a project grade at the end of the nine weeks.

Required Pages:
Plot Structure
  • Exposition - The main character and her family are living during the Great Depression, and are facing

  • Inciting Incident
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Denouement
  • Resolution

Character Analysis
  • Main Character
  • Supporting Characters
  • Where do they begin? (motivations, personality, etc)
  • Where do they end up? (motivations, what they learned, etc.)
  • What did they overcome or learn in the story?
Synthesis - Individual Student Thoughts Pages
  • Each student will have his or her own page to write thoughts and discussions about what he or she has read (these will already be set up for you)
  • Sketch-to-Stretch and Signposts Strategy work will also be checked in notebooks (pages 50-100)
Historical Context
  • Maps
  • News articles or newsreel footage
  • Basic time period information
  • Images from the period
  • Music from the period

Literary Conflicts
  • Character vs. Character
  • Character vs. Self
  • Character vs. Nature
  • Character vs. Society

  • Each student will contribute his or her theme of the text
  • A discussion of how each theme is related
  • Support/evidence for why the themes are relevant to the text

  • Words that a reader MUST know in order to understand the text - this can include names of places, groups, entertainment, etc.
  • Images of the vocabulary as appropriate
  • Mood
  • Tone
  • Dialogue
  • Dialect
  • Point of View

Pre-AP Students will also be required to create individual book trailers.